Every Color Has a Story

Flagler County Art League, Palm Coast, FL — Every Color Has a Story 

December 12- January 31, 2021

“I Let You Go,” was selected for the juried Flagler County Art League online art exhibition. The show focuses on how color is used to express emotion in art. 

This painting was inspired by the Trauma Release Meditation by Londrelle. I found his music at a time I needed it most. This painting was made with the intention of using the energy caused by pain to create something beautiful. It is reminder that at any time you can let it go. It’s not easy, but it’s a choice to release habits, thoughts, words, or anything that causes pain. Sometimes we have to let things go even when we don’t feel ready. Sometimes we have to practice letting things go until we can finally release them. The pain can be deep but with time it is possible. The lyric says, “send it love as it fades away.”

Continue to be kind to yourself. Try not to judge yourself for your actions or feelings. You are a wonderful work in progress!

Stay strong
Stay positive
And keep creating! ❤️

“I Let You Go”
16x20 acrylic and oil on canvas

Currently on display at flaglercountyartleague.org
Every Color Has A Story
virtual art show through January 31, 2021

Amanda Downs